jak správně nastavit tréninkový plán a základy manuální terapie koní pro majitele
Během tohoto dvoudenního semináře se účastníci naučí rozpoznat správnou biomechaniku koně a jak ji rozvíjet při lonžování, práci ze země a také pomocí cílených posilovacích cvičení. Naučí se rozeznávat tělesné nedostatky a pohybové vzorce koně, aby podle toho byli schopni vytvořit tréninkový plán na míru. V praktických lekcích si osvojí několik základních bodyworkových technik, které koni umožní plně a zdravým, vyváženým způsobem pracovat s jeho tělem. Lektorky jsou si vědomé toho, že dosažení plného atletického potenciálu a zároveň udržení těla a mysli koně zdravými, je obtížný úkol, se kterým mnoho majitelů koní zápasí. K tomu, aby se to podařilo, je třeba trénovat nejen mysl koně, ale také jeho myofasciální a nervový systém. Toho se dá dosáhnout vyváženou kombinací správného tréninku a aplikací bodyworkových technik.
>>> Kurz bude veden v Anglickém jazyce a bude TLUMOČEN do češtiny, nemusíte se tak bát jazykové bariéry :) <<<
Asymmetry in saddle fitting
the effect of asymmetry on saddle, horse and rider
The course will be conducted in English and will be INTERPRETED into Czech*
During this seminar, led by Georgie Welge, we will cover the basic principles of saddle fitting, topline syndrome, symmetry, but the emphasis will be on recognizing asymmetries in the horse, rider and saddle. We will look at rider biomechanics, the role of rider balance in the saddle and we will also focus on rider compensatory mechanisms.
The course will include a theoretical and practical part concerning horses and people (riders), both on the ground and in the saddle (demo riders).
Detailed information about the programme can be found HERE.
Between the theoretical and practical part it will be necessary to move from the Veveří Hotel to the Nové Dvory stable area (see map). These two locations are about 1km apart on an asphalt road. Please note in advance that there is unfortunately no pavement around the road. However, the route is not complicated and will be explained during the course :)
It is not possible to come to the course with your own horse.
Completing this course does not make you a saddle fitter.
*unless all of the participants will be comfortable with English language
18. - 19.3.
Hotel Veveří
(morngin part)
Nové Dvory venue
(afternoon part)
5000 CZK
210 EUR
Georgie Welge is a qualified saddle fitter with over 15 years experience in saddle fitting, based in the UK. She is the first saddle fitter to gain four separate qualifications in saddle fitting and has a comprehensive and varied knowledge of not only saddles, but horses and riders.
Georgie is continuously deepening her education also in other areas that are needed for saddle-fitting, for example biomechanics, horse and rider's anatomy etc. Apart from her saddle-fitting practice she also gives lectures at UK's universities.
She is also the founder and director of Master Saddle Fitters International (MSFI). Through MSFI, she travels the world providing saddle fitting education. She works closely with many veterinarians and trainers, biomechanics experts, physiotherapists, dentists, farriers and many other professionals to develop and deepen her knowledge.
She is an advisor on two professional committees that oversee the qualifications for teaching new saddle fitters.
"All horses are individuals. One thing I learnt very quickly is that what may work for one horse, won’t necessarily work for another. It’s all about figuring out what will work for the horse in front of me.."
- Georgie Welge
The basics of saddle fitting principles for horse owners with special emphasis on the effect of asymmetry (horse and rider) on saddle fit, both in terms of fit for the horse and fit for the rider.
No :), the lecturer is from Great Britain, so the communication language will be English, but the content of the course, lessons and questions and answers will be translated into Czech.
A notebook, a pen, enthusiasm and a desire to learn :). We also recommend warm clothes, the afternoon sessions will be held in the indoor arena, where it can be quite cold.
For anyone who works (professionally or recreationally) with horses, riders and saddles and wants to learn more about asymmetry and its effect on the horse, rider and saddle.
SATURDAY 18.3.2023
09:00 - 09:30
09:30 - 10:45
10:45 - 11:00
11:00 - 12:00
12:00 - 13:15
13:15 - 14:45
14:45 - 15:00
15:00 - 16:30
16:30 - 17:00
Registration, administration
(hotel Veveří)
Introduction of the lecturer, theory
purpose of the saddle, topline syndrome, rotation, symmetr
(hotel Veveří)
(hotel Veveří)
Identification of equine asymmetr
application of knowledge from theory on horse photos, discussio
(hotel Veveří)
Lunch + transfer to the Nové Dvory venue
possibility to order from the menu in the hotel, price 150 - 200 CZK, lunch is not included in the price of the course
(hotel Veveří)
Practical demonstration on horses
identification of markers on horses (chalk
(indoor arena - stáj Nové Dvory)
(indoor arena- stáj Nové Dvory)
Praktická ukázka s koňmi
praktická ukázka sedel na koních (bez jezdců, ze země)
(hala - stáj Nové Dvory)
(hala - stáj Nové Dvory)
SUNDAY 19.3.2023
09:30 - 10:00
10:00 - 11:00
11:00 - 11:15
11:15 - 11:45
11:45 - 12:30
12:30 - 13:30
13:30- 14:30
14:30- 14:45
14:45 - 16:00
Otázky a odpovědi
prostor na dotazy a diskuzi k tématům z předešlého dne
(hotel Veveří)
biomechanics of the rider, the role of the rider's balance, the influence of the rider on the saddle and the horse, compensation, the influence of psyche and fea
(hotel Veveří)
(hotel Veveří)
Demo na zemi s jezdcem
(hotel Veveří)
Guided practice in pairs/group
(hotel Veveří)
Lunch + transfer to the Nové Dvory venue
possibility to order from the menu in the hotel, price 150 - 200 CZK, lunch is not included in the price of the course
(hotel Veveří)
Unmounted rider assesment
assessment of (a)symmetries on volunteers and application of knowledge from theory)
(indoor arena - stáj Nové Dvory)
(hala - stáj Nové Dvory)
Rider assessment (demo riders on horseback
application of knowledge and training of the eye on horseback rider
(indoor arena - stáj Nové Dvory)
Discussion/questions, farewell
(indoor arena - stáj Nové Dvory)
The number of places is limited! Please register early.
Registration becomes valid only after payment of the participation fee!
5000 CZK
210 EUR
Demo lessons
Use of facilities
Minor refreshments
Services of the organizers
Professional photo documentation
Admission does not include
meals (lunch, dinner)
transportation between locations
The organisers are not responsible for the above items.
To register, please fill out the form below.
Registration becomes binding only after payment of the course fee.
(instructions will be sent to you by email)
In case of cancellation of the course by the organizers, the course fee will be refunded in full.
If you are unable to attend the course for any reason, the initiative, i.e. finding a substitute, is up to you, otherwise the course fee will be forfeited.
By submitting the form you agree to the processing of personal data for the purpose of communication and organisation of this course.